Parasky Flute Studios
Duquesne University, adjunct faculty
10k custom body, silver mechanism, split E, C# trill key, 14k ribs, posts, and D# roller 14k N-cut head joint, platinum riser,
📸 @NadinePhotographyPA
Dan’s Fantasy Themed 10K/14K Haynes Flute #54560
📸 @NadinePhotographyPA
Dan’s Flute has a 14K D# Roller in his silver mechanism
📸 @NadinePhotographyPA
With Haynes European Artist-in-Residence Gareth McLearnon - February 2023, Pittsburgh, PA
Dan Parasky is a flutist with a deep passion for teaching. He founded The Parasky Flute Studios in September 1999 and has produced winners or finalists for the National Flute Association Competitions (NFA) including the High School Soloist, High School Flute Choir, Collegiate Flute Choir, and the Professional Flute Choir competitions, the International Flute Symposium Young Artist competition at West Virginia University, The Consummate Flutist at Carnegie Mellon University, the Bands of America Rose Bowl Honors Marching Band and the Macy’s Great American Marching Band. Additionally, studio members have performed on international tours with the Pittsburgh Youth Symphony Orchestra and the Three Rivers Young Peoples Orchestra. Students at the Parasky Flute Studios consistently perform, place, and win at various local and regional auditions/music festivals. Dan is an adjunct faculty member at Duquesne University (Flute Choir and Career Perspectives in Music)
As a clinician, he has presented at the National Flute Convention, the Mid-Atlantic Flute Convention and at various colleges and universities. Educational clinics feature pedagogical concepts, flute choir, the business aspects of running a private music studio, and performance-themed classes.
As a performer, Mr. Parasky is active as a soloist, chamber musician, and guest conductor. He is a contemporary music enthusiast, having commissioned over 10 new works with world premieres. He co-founded the PM Woodwind Project, a flute and clarinet duo, and has performed with the NFA Professional Flute Choir and the International Low Flute Festival Professional Flute Choir. He guest-conducted the Mid-Atlantic High School Flute Choir in 2014, 2019, 2021, and 2022, the NFA High School Flute Choir in 2021, and the NFA High School/Collegiate Flute Orchestra in 2022.
Dan holds a Master of Music in Music Education from Boston University and an undergraduate degree in Music Performance from Duquesne University. He is serving as the Convention Flute Choirs Coordinator for the NFA convention from 2021 to 2025 and helped launch the first ever NFA Flute Ensemble Festival. He resides in Pittsburgh, PA with his wife, Jackie, and enjoys running, gaming, and exploring "nerd culture."
Dan is a Wm. S. Haynes Artist that plays on a custom-designed 10k/14k flute featuring a 14k N-cut head joint, platinum riser, 10k body with silver mechanism, split E and C# trill key and 14k ribs, posts, and D# roller, and also plays Haynes Amadeus Alto Flute & Piccolo.