Type of Event
Please Select an Option
Full Solo Recital (1+ hours)
Full Masterclass (2+ hours)
Half Recital (less than 1 hour of music)
Half Masterclass (less than 2 hours of teaching)
Guest Speaker/Presentation/Warm-up/Workshop
Panel Discussion
Other (please specify)
Event Date (start)
Event Date (finish)
Event Time (start)
Event Time (finish)
Name of Haynes Artist(s) Requested (if required)
Event Title
Presenting Organization
Anticipated Approximate Attendance
Event website or Facebook Page
Venue Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Your name
First Name
Last Name
Requested support amount in USD
Competition Prize (if applicable)
If you are applying for a competition prize - please check any of the boxes which might be interesting or acceptable for you.
Haynes Swag Bag (=$50)
Haynes-ROI Backpack (=$220)
Haynes-Wiseman French Style Case (=$365)
Haynes Custom Silver Crown - engraved with precious stone ($655-$960)
Haynes-Wiseman Carbon Fiber Case (=$1290)
Haynes Silver Custom Headjoint (=$1700)
Other - please outline below
Travel & Accommodation Arrangements
Please select an option
Travel (transportation, housing, food) for the artist will be covered by the presenting organization.
The artist will be responsible for their own travel arrangements.
Travel arrangements will be shared between the artist and the presenting organization.
No Travel/Accommodation necessary
Other (please submit below)
Other travel arrangements
Are you working with a Haynes Dealer? If so which one?
Terms & Conditions
Please check to show your understanding and agreement with the terms below, confirm your agreement by checking BOTH options.
I understand that this is a request for support and there is not yet a commitment by Wm. S. Haynes Co. to sponsor.
I have provided all the information requested and any information not provided on this form will not be taken in to consideration.
Advertising & Program Booklet
If Haynes are providing financial, Aritst or Competition Prize support for an event we would normally expect to be able to exhibit flutes without booth charge, and have either free or preferential rates for program booklet advertising. Please outline the possibilities below.
Exhibit Flutes without charge
Program Booklet Ad without charge
Social Media and Publicity Acknowledgement
It is a requirement of support to tag and acknowledge financial support from Haynes in Social Media posts, and to place the Haynes logo in prominent positions in all printed, digital and video publicity material. A lack of commensurate acknowledgement of Haynes’s contribution may adversely affect the success of future funding applications.
I understand and will tag and acknowledge Haynes if support is granted.
Participant Information
I understand that a spreadsheet of participant details (with their knowledge and consent) should be provided within 14 days of the event. This spreadsheet should contain: First Name, Last Name, Email Address, ZIP Code of each attendee to the supported event.
I have read, understood and accepted the Invoicing/Payment Terms below. Or (if you are representing an organization requesting the support) I will communicate the below payment/invoicing terms with the requested artist before the event.
Invoices for any paid work should be submitted within 30 days of completion of the project. Invoices submitted after this time may have payment delayed until the next financial year, and invoices submitted more than 6 months after the project will ordinarily not be processed. Invoices should contain Name, Address, Phone, Email, Full Bank Details and a W8-BEN (for non-US payments) or W9 form (for US tax-payers) has not been previously supplied - please also submit one of these with any invoice. These forms are available to download below.
Please use this section to add any additional notes or comments regarding this request.