Flute Clips - by Ligaphone (France)

Flute Clips - by Ligaphone (France)


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When travelling, we can subject our flute to the dry and cold overhead bin in a long haul flight, followed by an exit into perhaps humid heat, dry heat, or freezing cold, then into a heated or cooled taxi, then to an air conditioned concert hall….

The constant and occasionally drastic changes of temperature and humidity can affect the condition and performance of your pads. Swelling or shrinking can affect the seating and therefore the ability to properly seal - causing problems of all sorts!

Flute Clips present a simple solution! Trusted by many international artists, these nine, plastic spring clips, gently but solidly hold the otherwise open pads against the tonehole of your flute ensuring that when you arrive at your destination - your flute is as ready to go as you are.

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